Get Out Of Back Pain
An 8-Day experience that will transform your relationship to pain.
Join Us for an 8-Day experience that will change the way you think about pain.
Recent research indicates that connective tissue plays a significant role in nonspecific back pain cases. The right type of therapies and movement can help release these tissues providing lasting relief.
Back pain is much more common than we realize.
Back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide. It affects people of all ages, but is most common in adults aged 35 to 55. (Source: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke)
About 80% of people will experience back pain at some point in their lives. (Source: American Chiropractic Association)
Women are more likely to experience back pain than men.
In the United States, back pain is estimated to cost $100 billion annually in healthcare expenses, lost wages, and productivity. (Source: American Chiropractic Association)
Back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor's office, outnumbered only by upper respiratory infections. (Source: American Chiropractic Association)
Statistics show that 80% of low back pain problems are considered nonspecific, meaning no medical cause can be identified.
This type of pain is often caused by muscle strain or ligament sprain, but it can also be due to stress, poor posture, or repetitive movements. Nonspecific low back pain is typically self-limiting and resolves within 6 weeks to 3 months. However, some people may experience chronic pain that lasts longer than 12 weeks.
You will leave with:
An understanding of the role connective tissue plays in pain
Tips, Tools, and Techniques to reduce and even eliminate pain
Live online workshops/discussions on the topic of back pain
Live online classes focusing on relieving back pain.
Access to three wellness practitioners who can help you create your individualized plan to get out of pain
Appropriate for all ages and experiences.
The Definition of Pain
Waiver (Please complete prior to Day 1)
What is Fascia?
Introduction to Restorative Yoga
Sleeping Position with Dave
Yoga Prop Hacks
Flossing for Back Pain with Katia
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