Discover the Power of Fascia for Optimal Health and Wellness

Did you know that most chronic pain is not muscular?

Fascia is a type of connective tissue that is around and within our muscles that can cause lingering pain.

The fascia is a thin, web-like tissue that surrounds and connects all of the structures in your body, including your muscles, bones, nerves, and organs. It helps to keep everything in place and allows your body to move smoothly.

When the fascia becomes restricted, it can cause pain, decreased range of motion, and other problems. Fascial restrictions can be caused by a number of things, including:

Causes of Fascial Restrictions

  • Lack of Movement

    Your body is designed to move! A lack of movement can make the fascia less pliable and more likely to become restricted.

  • Stress

    Stress can cause the muscles to contract and tighten. This can put stress on the fascia and lead to restrictions

  • Poor Posture

    Poor posture can lead to muscle imbalances disrupting the body's natural alignment which can also contribute to fascial restrictions.

The course that will introduce you to the fascia system and how it affects your health, pain, and movement.

Fascia is a web-like connective tissue that surrounds every muscle, bone, organ, and nerve in your body. It's responsible for giving your body its shape and structure, and it plays a role in everything from movement to posture to pain.

But until recently, fascia has been largely ignored by the medical community. This is starting to change, as scientists and healthcare practitioners are beginning to realize the importance of fascia in health and well-being.

If you're suffering from pain, stiffness, or limited range of motion, it's possible that your fascia is to blame. Fascia can become tight and restricted, which can lead to pain and discomfort. It can also restrict blood flow and oxygen to the muscles, which can make pain worse.

Fascia & Pain

What You'll Learn

In this course, you'll learn everything you need to know about fascia, including:

  • What is Fascia and How Does it Impact Your Wellbeing?

  • How fascia affects your health, pain, and movement

  • How to identify and release fascia restrictions

  • Exercises and stretches to improve fascia health

  • How to Strengthen and Nourish Your Fascia for Long-Term Health Benefits


Partner David Carter

Dave Carter lives in Goochland, Virginia with his family. He is a Functional Manual Physical Therapist and owner of Hands On Physical Therapy LLC of Goochland.

Partner Katia Sanon

Katia Sanon lives in Toronto, Canada.  She is a Manual Osteopathic Therapist, Certified Athletic Therapist CATC, an L4 Certified Essentrics® Instructor, and owner of Fleksyon. 

Partner Pamela Thomas

Pamela J. Thomas, the owner of Fiber of Life LLC, is an integrative wellness coach, consultant, and catalyst. She is the owner of Fiber of Life LLC.

She is a Restorative Movement Practitioner, Certified Integral Postural Alignment Therapeutics Specialist, and Certified L4 EssentricsⓇ instructor focusing on providing inclusive movement experiences for those looking to get out and stay out of pain.

Pam holds a MDiv from Union Presbyterian Seminary, a MBA from the Wharton School and a B.A. in Economics from Princeton University.

By the end of this course, you'll have a better understanding of fascia and how it affects your body. You'll also be able to identify and release fascia restrictions, which can help to improve your pain, range of motion, and overall health.

Course curriculum

    1. A message from your instructors

    2. How to use Thinkific

    3. Before we begin...

    1. The Anatomy of Fascia

    2. What Is Fascia?

    3. What Makes Fascia Dysfunctional?

    4. Fascia and Pain

    1. Myofascial Massage

    2. Stretching and Strengthening

    3. Breathing Exercises

    1. Making a Pain Management Plan

    2. Mindful Movements

    3. How To Do A Body Scan

    4. Fascia Stretch for the Upper Body

    5. Fascia Stretch for the Lower Body

    1. Congrats! Here's what's next...

    2. More resources for you

    3. Before you go...

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Release your fascia and reduce your pain, today


  • What is fascia?

    Fascia is a thin, web-like tissue that surrounds and connects all of the structures in your body, including your muscles, bones, nerves, and organs. It helps to keep everything in place and allows your body to move smoothly.

  • What are fascial restrictions?

    Fascial restrictions are areas of the fascia that are tight and inflexible. This can cause pain, decreased range of motion, and other problems. Fascial restrictions can be caused by a number of things, including:
    * Injury
    * Repetitive stress
    * Poor posture
    * Dehydration
    * Lack of movement
    * Stress

  • How can I prevent fascial restrictions?

    There are a number of things you can do to help prevent fascial restrictions, including:
    * Stay hydrated.
    * Get regular exercise.
    * Maintain good posture.
    * Manage stress.
    * Stretch regularly.
    * Avoid repetitive movements.